海外旅行:飛行機の中で時間潰しに聞きたい曲(3)David Bowie - Heroes


David-Bowie Chicago 2002-08-08 photoby Adam-Bielawski-cropped

さすが、ボウイ先生です。最初は呟くような歌い方で始めて、徐々に力強く盛り上げて行き、一気に観客の心を掴むという才能の凄さが見事という他ありません。1977年発表のHeroesというアルバムに収められています。作曲はデヴィッド・ボウイブライアン・イーノ(元Roxy Musicでキーボード担当)です。

David Bowie - Heroes

この曲のカバーは幾つもありますが、ここではKing Crimsonが同じくベルリンで行なったコンサートの動画をご紹介します。ロバート・フリップ大先生のギターに注目です。何と最初から最後まで音が一度も途切れないというロック史上聞いたことがない奏法にビックリします。こちらは歌詞が画面に流れるので、聴きながらお楽しみください。

King Crimson - Heroes (Live in Berlin 2016)


David Bowie - Heroes (Harper Cover)

I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them just for one day
We can be Heroes just for one day

And you, you can be mean
And I, I"ll drink all the time
"Cause we"re lovers, and that is a fact
Yes, we"re lovers, and that is that
Though nothing will keep us together
We could only steal time just for one day
We can be Heroes for ever and ever
What d"you say?



I, I wish you could swim

Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim

Though nothing, though nothing will keep us together

We can beat them for ever and ever

Oh we can be Heroes just for one day



I, I will be king

And you, you will be queen

Though nothing will drive them away

We can be Heroes just for one day

We can be us just for one day


I, I can remember

Standing by the wall

The guns shot above our heads

And we kissed as though nothing could fall

And the shame was on the other side

Oh we can beat them for ever and ever

Then we can be Heroes just for one day



We can be Heroes just for one day

We"re nothing and nothing will help us

Maybe we"re lying

Then you better not stay

But you could be safer just for one day