



  • トルクメニスタン・ツアー4日間
  • ツアー期間:3泊4日
  • 訪問地:アシガバート、ニサ、ダルヴァザ、コネウルゲンチ、ダシャウス



1日目 アシュガバード到着

  • 空港でピックアップし、グランドトルクメンホテルへ移動。ホテルのチェックイン時間は正午。その日は自由行動。

2日目 アシガバート 散策

  • アシュガバード半日観光:独立広場、独立記念塔、ニュートラリティ・アーチ、オールド・ニサ

3日目 アシガバート ー ダルヴァザ(260km)

  • ダルヴァザのガスクレータへ4WDでドライブ 途中、エルベント村を訪問
  • 道を離れて燃焼するガスクレータ(いわゆる「地獄の門」)へ
  • 夕暮れ時にクレータ到着
  • クレータ付近で美味しい料理を楽しむ
  • テントで寝袋を使って一泊

4日目 ダルバザーコネウルゲンチ(270km)ー国境:ヌクスかヒバ(ウズベキスタン

  • 早朝、ユネスコ世界遺産のコネウルゲンチ(3〜16世紀の首都)へ車で移動
  • 市内観光(3時間):キャラバンサライ・ポータル(11〜14世紀)、Arslan Mausoleum(12世紀) 、Mausoleum of Khorezm shahSultan Tekesh(13世紀)、Academy of Horezm (3〜13世紀)、Mausoleum of TurabekHanum, Minaret of KutlugTimur(14世紀)
  • 観光後、ウズベキスタンへの出国のためコネウルゲンチ(或いはタシャウス)の国境へ移動。午後4時前に国境に到着し、お別れ。プログラム終了。




  • 総額(1名) $720
  • 費用は下記を含む
  1. 招待状、入国旅行証、ビザ登録
  2. エアコン付きの陸路移動、オフロードは4WD車
  3. 地元の英語話者ガイド・ドライバーサービス
  4. プログラムにある観光地の全入場料
  5. ダルバザでの夕食(バーベキュー)とキャンプスタイルの朝食
  6. グランド・トルクメニン宿泊(4つ星ホテル、2泊、朝食付き)の全費用、及び、テントと寝袋(一泊分)の費用









Turkmenistan 4 Days Tour:

Ashgabat – Nisa – Darvaza – Koneurgench - Dashoguz 

Client’s name: XXXXX

Tour duration: 4 days / 3 nights 

Places to visit: Ashgabat, Nisa, Darvaza, Koneurgench, Dashoguz  


Day 1: Arrival in Ashgabat.  

Pick up at the airport and transfer to the Grand Turkmen 4* hotel. Check in time at hotel is 12:00 noon. Free time on your own.

Day 2: Exploring Ashgabat  

Today we will have a half day sightseeing tour of Ashgabat including visits to Park and Monument of Independence, Arch of Neutrality, a 75m- high monument with a revolving golden statue of the first President Turkmenbashy.  Hit the viewing platform of the Arch of Neutrality to see the beautiful panorama of Ashgabat. Panoramic tour to “Alem” the largest Indoor Ferris wheel. Continue tour to the historical and archaeological site “Ancient Nisa – the Residence of Parthian Kingdom” UNESCO site from 2007. The Parthian Empire was one of the most powerful and influential civilizations of the ancient world, and a brilliant rival of Rome which prevented the expansion of the Roman Empire to the east. Continue visiting of Turkmenbashy Mausoleum and Ruhy Mosque in Kypjak – one of the biggest mosque in Central Asia.  

Day 3: Ashgabat – Darvaza (260 km)

Drive to visit flaming gas crater in Darvaza by 4WD. En route visit a nomad village Erbent. Then continue to gas crater. Upon arrival explore the gas craters, first full of water, and second the sulfur - muddy. Leave the road and venture in the desert to see the flaming Gas Crater.

Arrival and explore the flaming Gas Crater at sunset. Enjoy a delicious fire-cooked meal near the flaming gas crater. Overnight at Turkmen yurt or tents with sleeping bags.


Day 4: Darvaza – Koneurgench (270 km) – departure to Nukus or Khiva (Uzbekistan) 

Early in the morning drive to Koneurgench - the capital of Khorezmshahs (3-16th cc.) inscribed into the World Heritage Book of UNESCO.Koneurgench (known as Gurganch in the past) is the largest historical and archaeological park in the north of Turkmenistan. It is a large reserve with numerous ruins and monuments on the territory of modern Kunyaurgench. Such great Muslim scholars as al-Biruni, al-Khorezmi and Avicenna once worked here. 

Sightseeing (with duration of 3 hours) of the old city: Portal of Caravansaray (11-14th cc.), Il Arslan Mausoleum (12th c.), Mausoleum of Khorezm shahSultan Tekesh (13th c.), Academy of Horezm (3-13th cc.), Mausoleum of TurabekHanum, Minaret of KutlugTimur (14th c.) - one of the tallest minarets in Central Asia, Najmeddin Kubra (13th c.) and Soltan Ali (15th c.) Mausoleums. 

After sightseeing drive to the border at Koneurgench (or at Dashoguz) for departure to Uzbekistan. Arrival at the border crossing before 4 p.m. Farewell. End of program. 


No of travellers


1 person 


Price in USD/ per person


$ 720




  1. Visa invitation to Turkmenistan, entry travel pass and visa registration 
  2. A/C land transportation as per program, 4 WD car for off road parts 
  3. Local English speaking guide-driver’s services 
  4. Entrance fees to all sights according the program
  5. BBQ for dinner and camp style breakfast at Darvaza 
  6. All accommodation (travel tax and breakfasts included) in single room as below:

Ashgabat: Grand Turkmen 4* hotel (breakfast is included), 2 nights

Darvaza: Turkmen yurt or tent with sleeping bag, 1 night 

PRICE EXCLUDES: International flights, consular fees for Turkmenistan tourist visa (depends on the place you obtain - 40$ at Turkmenistan Embassy abroad, 90 $ on arrival at Ashgabat airport for most nationalities), migration card paid upon arrival - 14 USD, video fees at sites, meals not mentioned above (lunch and dinner, allow up to 15$ per person) & other services not listed above.


If you would like to proceed with booking, please send us the following documents for visa support (LOI) process: 

1. Colored passport copy (main page of applicant’s passport) in a good resolution and JPEG format. (Passport validity must be more than 6 months)
2. Fill out attached visa invitation form
3. Colored one 3x4 photo (jpg format)

On receipt of your completed form and documents, we will submit your application to the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan. LOI is arranged within 15 working days term. Once the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan approves your travel, we will email you the Visa Invitation Letter (LOI).


Your Passport must be valid until at least 3 months after your exit date from Turkmenistan and must have at least one blank visa page.

Once you have your visa invitation letter you can then either:

  • Visit your local Turkmenistan Embassy with a copy of your visa invitation letter to get a visa stamped in your passport. This can take up to 7 working days.
  • Obtain your visa on arrival. You can travel to Turkmenistan with your visa invitation letter and obtain a visa on arrival at the airport or at border zones.

We are looking forward to see you in Turkmenistan!

